
Matthew recalls parliamentary debate which resulted in the Kindertransport

Matthew was honoured to contribute to an 80th commemoration of the Kindertransport, organised by the Association of Jewish Refugees in the Speaker’s State Rooms in Parliament.  The event heard a recreation of a debate which occurred 80 years to the day entitled ‘That this House notes with prof

Matthew joins Schools and Scouts to celebrate UK Parliament Week

As we mark 100 years since the first women gained the right to vote, Matthew has joined schools and community groups in the Hendon constituency as a part of UK Parliament Week. UK Parliament Week is a UK-wide festival, and aims to engage young people from different backgrounds and communities with

Matthew takes part in Bhuddist robe offering ceremony

Matthew was delighted to celebrate Inter-faith Week (11th-18th November) by visiting the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre in Kingsbury to witness the Kathina Civara Puja – or robe offering ceremony. The Kathina festival is a major observance of Theravada Buddhism.

Matthew speaks out against anti-Semitism

Matthew was pleased to attend the European Jewish Association’s conference to speak about the threat of political and criminal anti-Semitism.

Matthew welcomes Illicit Trade promise in Budget

Matthew has welcomed the inclusion of a Government commitment to setting up a UK-wide Anti-Illicit Trade Group in this week's Budget.  This Government support follows recommendations from the Illicit Trade All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) set up by Matthew and supported by cross-party

Matthew to raise PIP 20 metre rule with Minister

Matthew has met with his constituent at a lobby day outside Parliament to discuss the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 20 metre rule. PIP began to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in 2013 and under the new scheme the distance that is required for applicants to walk has been lo

Matthew backs plan for new deep water facility in Mill Hill

Matthew has thrown his support behind a campaign for a new deep water diving facility at Copthall in Mill Hill.  Matthew said: "I’m pleased to support North London Aquatics who are crowdfunding to build a new, inclusive and ground-breaking deep water facility at Copthall in Mill Hill