
Matthew presses for justice on Iran massacre

Today in the House of Commons, Matthew attended a conference to commemorate the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran. In July 1988, 30,000 political prisoners including children and pregnant women were brutally murdered.

Matthew congratulates Future Leaders in Parliament

Matthew was delighted to present his constituent with a Youth Achievement Award at a ceremony in the Houses of Parliament. The awards, organised by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), honoured young people who have in some way impacted the lives of others around them and beyond. Joined by her fa

Matthew enjoys Hindu Festival of Chariots

Matthew was delighted to attend the 2017 London Rath Yatra in Trafalgar Square. This annual event is a parade of chariots drawn along from Hyde Park to the centre of London.

Matthew calls on Home Secretary to proscribe Hezbollah

Following the Al-Quds Day march and rally in central London yesterday, Matthew has written to the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, seeking the proscription of the political wing of Hezbollah and the banning of future demonstrations. The annual rally was marred by the display of Hezbollah flags and

Matthew enjoys peaceful day with Nepalese community

Matthew was delighted to attend the Burnt Oak Nepalese Community's annual summer barbecue in Milton Keynes. The event is held for members of the community to socialise with family and friends in a green space outside their immediate area.

Matthew holds Hendon with record vote

Matthew is delighted to be have been re-elected Member of Parliament for the Hendon constituency. Speaking after the counting of votes Matthew said: "I am honoured and proud to have been elected the MP for Hendon for the third time.